From the marvellous book THE BOY, THE MOLE, THE FOX AND THE HORSE
by the incomparable Charlie Mackesy
There is, indeed, a school of unlearning and I have been an ardent, secret student at it for many years ...
Hi Friends, The past two years, while seemingly a time of fear and darkness, have given us all the extraordinary impetus, I think, to reflect on ourselves, our work, and where we draw meaning from in our lives. For me, this has led to my desire to expand beyond my focus at the university where I have created courses and taught this work on emotional-intuitive (or, my favourite, ontological) intelligence for several years. (For ease of understanding and relevance to education, I've generally referred to all of it as supporting mental health.) I feel very called to offer what I can on a broader scale to support as many people as possible with the knowledge and tools that have been transformational for me over my years of research and experience.
And like I tell my university students, we all need to understand the mind and the nature of consciousness if we want to thrive in life. This work is as essential for people who would just say that they feel "down" or "stressed" or are missing a sense of purpose in their lives as for people who self-identify as suffering from anxiety and depression.
I think of this transformation of moving from 'normal' living (i.e. without deep knowledge of the mind & consciousness) to exceptional living as learning how to let in the light and I believe that never have people been ready and asking for this understanding as much as they are right now.
Unlearning is the way.
[Side note: I write about the paradox of learning to unlearn in a blog post here.] Why unlearning? Well, there's A LOT to say about this, and I will share it all with you as much as I can moving forward. But let's just say for now that there has been MUCH that we have believed about life and ourselves and we thought it was fact. So we call it "learning." But these are just concepts, stories and thoughts that cause you stress and limit you in your life. So much so it's beyond your imagination.
That is, for many of us, it's quite literally beyond the mind's ability to imagine the vast expanse of possibility that we could be living other than that which we are living. Yet these insights happen naturally as a bi-product of unlearning. The mind opens up and we can see in ways we've never seen before. We can see what keeps us stuck, why and how to unstick.
We get clear. We get happy. We get free.
I have found the best way to support people in unlearning and removing the barriers to the open mind is through focused one-on-one sessions. Webinars, courses and tailored themed workshops (stay tuned for future newsletters!) are also wonderful for those who might feel more comfortable in this environment and who love to learn in these ways. (I love these!) I'm also excited to share everything I possibly can -- insights, my own stumbles and triumphs, exciting research! -- with you through my blog.
I loooove blogs!
It's a great way to tell short stories and insights from my own life peppered with the esteemed words of well-known and not-so-well-known sages, with the intention to support & inspire you while hopefully even entertaining you. Like mini-memoirs! (My favourite genre.)
If you sign up for my newsletter you will get an email notifying you whenever there's a new blog post (and a coupon for $30 off a session, which you can feel free to re-gift). There will also be an option to sign in and comment and I'd love to engage with you there! For now, I'll refer you to my new website for further information on this unlearning business but please feel free to email me at kathryn@lettinginthelight.world if you like. I look forward to being able to assist in your journey, whether you see it as one of deepening awareness, healing, relief of suffering, increasing clarity, or simply as unlearning. In the end, they are all the same. Thank you for being here. All blessings, Kathryn Letting in the Light