A Summer Long-Weekend Retreat in Cottage Country
In the countryside at a private residence just outside Orillia, Ontario
Friday August 4th 2:30pm* - Monday August 7th (lunch)
Friday: 2 - 5:30pm, dinner
Sat/Sun: 9am morning trail walk, 9:30am - 12:30pm, lunch, 2:30 - 5:30pm
Monday: 9am morning trail walk, 9:30am - 12:30pm, lunch
~Evenings will be free for you to enjoy as you wish~
Friday dinner & all lunches are included, accomodation on your own
*PLEASE NOTE: If you are only able to attend Saturday, Sunday,
Monday then you are welcome to miss the 3-hour Friday session.

co-facilitated with Sharon Arnaud, Certified Facilitator of The Work
“The world is as you perceive it to be. For me, clarity is a word for beauty. It’s what I am. And when I’m clear, I see only beauty. Nothing else is possible.” — Byron Katie

Please join us for a 4-day summer weekend of self-inquiry at a private and spacious country house surrounded by beautiful fields, forests and walking trails. Several lakes for swimming are close by.
We will be doing a curriculum with exercises designed by Share and Kathryn to move you from fear, anxiety and ruminating thoughts about the future to the clear mind which sees the tremendous peace and beauty in the way of things, and in you. In other words, reality.
You are welcome to come as you are, with everything you think is wrong with you and your life. If you feel that you are failing at life or that life & others are failing you, you are welcome. There is nothing, in our experience, that inquiry cannot meet. We, too, have felt all these things, know what it is to suffer, and how to come out the other side.
There is great power in gathering as a group to inquire — in-person retreats are potent places to get our Work done and catapult us into expanded awareness. If you feel trepidation at imagining being vulnerable in person … you can feel reassured that that, too, is welcome. We are all in this together.
You can expect to leave the retreat with a new understanding of life and yourself and with it a peace and gratitude at the way of it all. You will be equipped with the ability to question anything stressful that arises in your ongoing life experience and to continue to transform your consciousness.

About the Presenters
Share has been a certified facilitator for 7 years and has held several retreats in The Work both in Ontario and internationally during this time. She brings her considerable experience as a counsellor in private practice for over 25 years and training in trauma & abuse group work and grief counselling. She holds a diploma in Addictions Studies from McMaster University. Share has been through her own addiction, abuse as a child, and the near-death of her daughter and The Work has met all of it with The Work.
From Share: “Life with The Work supports my personal freedom. The Work is a part of my life as much as breathing. It is an ongoing practice that I live and allows me content contact and connection with truth. It is my heart’s desire to move The Work forward in our world.”
Kathryn was certified as a facilitator in 2015 and has taught The Work in university classrooms, workshops and independent courses ever since. She loves designing exercises that are born out of her own path in self-inquiry, especially around fear, anxiety & PTSD, and self-esteem & confidence. Kathryn also works one-on-one with clients in one-month and three-month programs using The Work.
Her 2013 PhD dissertation focused on the nature of mind, consciousness, and self-inquiry and includes her experiences with The Work along with her other mystical, direct experiences. She is the author of the book Awake: Education for Enlightenment and is the single parent of a 20-year old daughter whom she raised with The Work.

From Kathryn: “Ever since I came across The Work, it has been at the centre of my life. Although I had researched the nature of self and the conditioned mind extensively before it, self-inquiry moved me from an intellectual-conceptual understanding to an experiential one. It is everything.”

“The opening to reality, as it really is, is beauty.” — Byron Katie
It was life changing to attend Share's 2019 Spring Retreat. She led the inquiry with so much care, gentleness, and clarity. I felt so safe and that I was being guided by someone who has really dug into her own life experience and found the jewels. She helped me to find my own. If you have been looking for an effective way to let go of thoughts that cause pain, I highly recommend Share as a skilled facilitator for The Work of Byron Katie. Thank you so much, Share!” —Nora
“This retreat gave me myself back - the me who seemed to have been lost these days. I got acceptance of myself and the beautiful person I am. I got to share my deepest pains hidden away in my heart with no judgement - just love.” —Line
“Doing The Work has given me so much peace and clarity. It is amazing how it cuts right to the truth and unravels the stressful thoughts that keep us stuck. Sharon is an amazing facilitator! She is able to hold space for the most intense emotions, for the most difficult experiences, and guides you through with compassion and love. She has the ability to make you feel safe and supported no matter what. The Work is a tool that I will always use. It sets you free from your stressful thoughts and brings you back to who you really are - it brings you back to love.
What I got out of this retreat: Reconnection with myself. A sense of peace and gentleness. An understanding of the importance of taking care of myself and staying connected. Calmness. The beauty of returning to myself. Allowing it all. Release. Acceptance. Connection. LOVE.” —Kristen
“It was the most authentic experience I've ever felt in my life. I got opened and was introduced to so many sides I never knew existed. I'm a fast-paced on-the-go kind of woman, and this retreat transformed so many small areas of my life. When I returned home, my family and friends all noticed my peaceful being. The Work has brought me to a new sense of being and nobody can strip me of that.” —Kally

What others have said about working with Share & Kathryn

In my sessions with Kathryn, I was able to deeply experience — for myself — exactly where and how I was in a habitual pattern of resistance to mental and emotional experiences that were arising. With her deep insight and support, I was able to directly experience the blissful release that comes with letting the grip of thinking let go of me. It was truly liberating on a profound level – and has allowed me to discover an uninhibited, natural confidence to move forward in this life in a much freer and more truthful way. I am deeply grateful for Kathryn’s support, wisdom and incredible capacity to hold a space where the truth beyond thinking can be clearly recognized.” —Laura
I came to your workshop expecting to learn some things I didn't already know but I did not expect the transformational experience that happened. It really helped me. I feel different after; I left feeling so happy, free, and light. Thank you, thank you so much. —Linda
Kathryn brings a gentle and kind energy to The Work that allowed me feel comfortable, like I was connecting with a long-time friend. Her experience and knowledge in The Work is extensive. Kathryn opened the space and trust for me to dive in to memories/illusions of the past, present and future. I have done The Work before and had past images arise but didn’t spend much time there. Kathryn was able to encourage me to bring my insights of today to the past situations which provided a new found curiosity and light that was nearly mind-blowing for me. I got insights from both myself and her that helped me.
Having someone, like Kathryn, to witness and support me and my work has been valuable. Hearing insights echoed back and being able to read insights that Kathryn had written from our time together was incredibly validating and valuable. Some I hadn’t remembered until seeing them written down. Something about Kathryn just feels safe. I would recommend her to any family, friends, neighbours that are looking to do The Work. Can’t wait until she runs a retreat!!!! —Grace

If you have a Canadian bank account, you can etransfer to kathryn@lettinginthelight.world

Cancellation Policy
If you cancel before July 20th, you will receive a full refund less $50. If your cancellation is received after July 20th and we are able to fill your spot in the event the retreat is full, you will receive a full refund less $50. If we cannot fill your spot or the retreat is not full, your payment is non-refundable. If you do not send advance notice of your cancellation and we have confirmed receipt, if you do not attend, or if you leave the retreat early, your payment is non-refundable.
*Please note that the retreat needs a minimum of 10 people to run and holds a maximum of 25 people. If fewer than 10 people have registered by July 20th we will let you know immediately, cancel the retreat and you will receive a full refund.*